Saturday, September 21, 2013

Till We Meet Again…

"I’ve never given much thought to how I would die, but today, this moment, dying giving birth to a new life seems like a good way to go. One of the few privileges of having met with an accident while you are pregnant, (luckily) your husband is not around and docs can’t reach out to your loved ones is that YOU get to make that one tough decision. Yes! They are mere docs; mortals themselves! At the best of their ability they give you a choice. And a choice IS all that matters in that instance of pride and excruciating loss, you’re a part of at the same time. Least, you can be anything but slow in fulfilling your duty as a mother! So here in this searing jiffy, both by choice and by compulsion, I come to a cold agreement with  my resolution, my end; and let my young one come alive through me to this world.

There are other advantages too:  After taking on that heart rending decision, like a true warrior, like a quivering individual, like a strong mother, you do find those few stolen moments to write to pen down your own obituary.

To the uninitiated, I am Tamanna Shahzaad; I grew up in a burst ling yet laidback town of Lucknow, attended school there, became a noted journalist, got married to a geek, and had a family only to find that I’ll not be a part of it towards the end. And that end would come sooner than thought. Shahzaad, my husband is a gentle, romantic, loving and an adorable man. He stood by me in my toughest of times. We have seen through tough times and rough patches. Our relationship blossomed with every passing day. He is my reservoir of strength. However, there comes a time in life when you need to look for that well of courage within yourself, in the deepest darkest unexplored corners of your mind. To my husband I might have ditched him as a companion, I promised him to stay around forever, but he’ll be a proud father. And then when things sink in, he’ll be a proud husband again to realise the mother overpowered the wife in his woman. And that his wife’s resting in eternal peace having done that!

Alas! Life takes a nasty turn and you only become a story in the end!

Life in one instance poured in an avalanche of ecstasy, more than I could cope with and in the other took away more than I could return. Sometimes life gives you no choice but to share your thoughts with the world, to tell them you’ve been strong, led a worthy existence and that you beholden to this fact!

I am thankful to many people who were an edifice of support for me.
My beloved father and mother - the pillars of my short lived existence on this planet. 

They have an impression so deep in my heart that it keeps getting indelible each day. My in-laws!  My beloved family and friends.

Now, as I look back on the people, relationships, memories and stories I left behind, I can’t help but confess how lovely it had been back then. It was a journey through bliss, only to end in bliss!

Oblivion is calling shots, and I’m content to repose. And for the last few times that my heart throbs slowly against my ribs –it’ll miss this golden disc up there every morn, and the pale white one on the dark night, that lonely walk down the memory lane, that stroll through the busy city, and the one through the sleeping country side, those never stopping roads, the memory of my child’s moves’ in my womb, that holding of hand of Shahzaad to share mutually the thrill of becoming first-time parents. Each of these keeps coming back but I have moved on. I had to.

Beautiful days! Happy to have been here. 

“Shahzaad! Take care of our child!”

Forever yours, in this world, and every other (if there is any!).



  1. Good piece of creative writing Nooreen...keep up the good work...looking forward to more of such articles...

  2. You have a knack for forking out the best of you whenever you sit to write ! It's blissful to read these posts in this world, and every other (if there is any!) :)

  3. Masha Allah ! Masha Allah ! Masha Allah ! Kya baat hai Nooreen ! You're back with a bang ! :D Is this an obituary ? Wonderful writing,as always...

  4. Wow ! i'm copying this,will get it published when i pass away :) :) This is a very refreshing post Nooreen,very different thought must have went behind :) do share what made you write this ?

    1. Arre arre Aamli! God keep u well! And alive and kicking! Will tell you definitely some time later when time is right, the reason behind penning this!

  5. I'm reminded of an obituary i read in newspaper few years back and trust me,if i compare the two,yours scores over that one,on the basis of content,style and emotions.Keep writing Nooreen.You will go places :)

    1. Thanks Aamli! I love your name! And I love your comments. Keep posting!

  6. I'm reminded of an obituary i read in newspaper few years back and trust me,if i compare the two,yours scores over that one,on the basis of content,style and emotions.Keep writing Nooreen.You will go places :)

  7. Tu rulayegi mujhe ? :( itna accha kyo likha ? you made me develop a sisterly love for you :) somebody had commented about you that you're a perfectionist but i say you are a emo-perfectionist.The Best ! I read this post twice and want to read it many times over.I was waiting for your post and here it came with elan :) Keep writing dear...muaah muaah muaah :D And to all the guys reading this,please lay off,you don't have to feel excited to read what i just wrote.It's none of your business !

    1. Thanks so much ! Charu ! Loads of love to you too. Your comments make me feel so special . And yes! Its none of their business. :-)

  8. Brilliant ! is the word to one of the finest bloggers i know.Nooreen,this is really an excellent piece.People should not miss out on the sheer emotions that seem to emanate from every line of it.It's not easy writing an obituary,more so when you're writing a self obituary.I tried it once but failed.Just brilliant,Nooreen ! keep writing and god bless !

    1. Thanks Anshuman for all the kind words n appreciation. I'm always glad to read your comments. This one's really close to my heart.

    2. Thanks Anshuman for all the kind words n appreciation. I'm always glad to read your comments. This one's really close to my heart.

  9. Super post...Nooreen..i was awaiting something of this sort from you :) i was expecting you to write more on human values and here you are with a self obituary.
    I like the way you end it,you leave behind a husband and a child and you request him to take care of him.Wow..the expressions are flowing from Nooreen's pen.Your one of the best work so far best wishes Nooreen

    1. Aww. Thanks jyoti. Really glad to read your comment. Keep reading n keep me posted.

  10. Oh ! i got the notification a bit late i guess.People have already commented on the brilliance of it.But i have a special comment for you.Please write a blog post explaining how do you manage to keep your thoughts in control yet come out with such an emotional and sentimental piece.We need to know what goes inside your mind when you pen down such thoughts.Someone rightly said,it is not easy writing a self -obituary..not at all..i can't write one myself.You're a different class Nooreen.Greetings from IIM-R

    1. Hello Nimit! was really busy, hence the delay in reply. Very glad to read your comment. All I can say is writing an obituary has a flavour of its own. It's captivating. It's surreal. I recommend all of us should try writing it once ourselves. You are a different you once you have done it.

      Thanks for greetings. My best wishes to all.

  11. Very nicely written Nooreen.This is a lovely article.God bless you

  12. I like the ending very much.Very nicely written article.You're a very good writer.

  13. What i like about the article is the way you've written it.It is brilliant and lovely.I'm learning a lot from you.

  14. Saumya SrivastavaMonday, 14 October, 2013

    Hello Nooreen...I;m totally floored.Take a bow...girl....this is a master class post.The other day i was discussing you someone and i told her how blogs give you our own little spaces to express our thoughts and sentiments and also reach out to people we might never meet in life.Isn't it exciting to know that ? You're always too modest to accept how good a writer you are but i think the time has come that you start getting active on the blogging circuits in India.Long back,i had asked our friend Amit to send you the word but i think he's been stupid enough not to do so.Look,the thing is you must now move out of the confines of your blog and be an active member of the blogging communities in India.There's one where you can register your blog and reach out to a good number of people.The admins also rate the blogs not on the basis of comments or hits but purely on the basis of quality of content and the writing style.They also have frequent meetings all over India where you can participate and exchange thoughts with other bloggers.It's a very active community where you'd be appreciated for what you actually write.I promise you'll go a level higher once you start interacting with people there.You're an unrecognised but a BIG, upcoming talent on the Indian blogging circuit.Give it a try and i'm sure you'll love it ! Keep writing dear.I'm your fan until i die :)

  15. Oh Thanks so much Saumya. So delighted to read your comment. Would also thank you for the appreciation and kind words u write for me. :) Would definitely consider your suggestion. But trust me, its readers like you who make a good or bad writer. It's always relative.

    Thanks so much once again.
    Best, N.

  16. Superb Nooreen..way to go ! I Wish i could write as good as an obituary as yours before i die :D Keep writing

  17. Brilliant stuff Nooreen ! You've perfected the art.Keep writing dear

  18. Perfection is a heavy-duty word! :) I'm nowhere even remotely near it. Thanks for the compliment anyway, Kanika. :) Feels good to be showered with appreciation. :)

    Best N.
