Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's a blot on society Santa, where are you!!!

"Damini is still critical Santa, where are you?

An under-eighteen girl, today in Mumbai, has been raped again Santa, where are you?

A busted sex racket, today in Mumbai, said one among four girls was immersed in a water drum in this bone chilling cold, Santa where are you?

A girl patient in Sagar hospital was gang raped again by the hospital's sweepers Santa, where are you?

The grand daughters of Mother Mary (as Lord Jesus is our Father) are being molested, harassed and disrespected Santa, where are you?

Policemen baffled, protesters lathi-charged, women bruised, India gate sealed, metros barred, a cop lost, the PM realizing he's the father of 3 daughters only after a week, the President expressing "grief" the day following the PM's realization and the government still probing the recklessness of the Delhi police in the whole case...

Santa...where are you???

All my life I've grown up learning Santa is the harbinger of peace, harmony and happiness! But this Christmas my faith in the very existence of Santa stands shaken, dwindled, and waning. The emotions within me are all battered and churned up! I yearn to shout but my voice gets muffled! I stop to catch a breath and but have to run again! I fight for my freedom but rarely am allowed to enjoy it! I seldom step out late in the night lest the 'unthinkable' should happen! I grow up being coy, homely and sacrificing and in the end I’m afraid I might lose it all! I want to be heard but end up listening to my father-husband-son!

I don't want to be the 'case study' of society! I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me ! I don't want people to show fake mannerisms of respecting women! I don't want the police to protect me! I don't want the courts to speed up the trials! I don't want help lines that are never answered! I don't want anyone to suggest me the proper dress to wear, proper time to move out and right person to be with!

I'm proud to be a WOMAN! If the society doesn't wake up to me, it might be in for a severe jolt that'd bring it out of slumber permanently! And this time it won't be a slap in the wrist, this time it could get really worse!! My strength is ME! My weapon is ME!
It's time the world must know what it feels and how it feels when a GIRL hits back and hits back with full force!!!

Enough said, time to ACT !
And I do miss Santa everywhere, every moment.
But reality has made Santa a fairy tale character for me now!
Christmas, I wish all a very merry one! But...
Santa...!!! Are you???


  1. Wow ! terrific writing.You are improving with every post :)

  2. Nooreen is back ! :D loved the tacit message within :)

    1. Thank you Aamli. Good to have readers like you.

  3. Saumya SrivastavaFriday, 28 December, 2012

    This article is so apt.I'm feeling sorry for the girl who is undergoing this trauma :( i wish i could kill those who did this to her :(

    1. I empathize with you Saumya. But I guess killing is too less a punishment for such a heinous crime! They need to be tortured in the same manner! or probably in a manner even worse!

  4. I wholly accede with you Nooreen.I also think only killing is not adequate penalisation for such a astrocious offence!They need to be taught a lesson,they and all such type of perpetrators will learn when they will tortured in the same manner!
