Monday, April 13, 2015

I'm Breaking Bad.

( to hoots whatever it means to you!)

F**k (beep) man!

I’m neck deep in Breaking Bad. 

Okay that’s not what I exactly mean by saying that. (For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, read on. For those who do, “Yo man! Hi faai! You know what um talkin’ ‘bout, Yo!). I don’t mean I’m neck deep into shit. OMG, my language’s really gone for a toss. All thanks to Breaking Bad! Ah, alright. I mean I’m into watching this show Breaking Bad day and night. You know what I actually started watching it an year ago. Saw the first season. Kind of decent I must say. Then I never went back to it for reasons even I find difficult to reason with. And then someone told me watch a hell lot of shows and movies (and I literally took this one piece of advice to heart!, so, you know…) Anyway, so what my point was there’s this chemistry-teacher-turned-into-drug-manufacturer character called Mr White, rather Walter White who really got onto my nerves. No, no. Not that way. In a good way. He comes across to me as extremely relatable. And debatable. And that’s what exactly got me writing this post.

Yeah I know you’d want to ask me this million dollar question “Why him?”, when there was so much buzz around the world for uncountable things and when I’d decided to exile away from my blog for so long! What on Earth moved me so much to make a comeback with Breaking Bad, and with one of its protagonist? Well, I’m just trying to be obviously not be precise and specific in telling what made me go bipolar, but then, since as a responsible writer (I like to call myself one!) I do feel I owe my readers an explanation, so here’s one. An incident happened which like with a/its flash of lightning took away my interest in writing. (Yeah I’m watching the Flash too). OK, I got it. I’m cutting the crap out. I just was sometimes very pensive but lazy, and vice versa. And the other times, I was too hurt to share. So I decided to keep it to myself and sleep over it! (I’ve been sleeping a lot, you’d say)

But here I’m. Alive and kicking. Back with a bang. And so getting back to what I was saying was Mr White, as they call him, is intriguing like hell to me. Like I said, he’s both relatable and debatable. And if you know me, you’d know it’s the latter quality that got my fingers typing here. Relatable because he does what I did some time back and because him and I are similar in incalculable measures. Not that I too have lung cancer, Jeez! God forbid! That’s not why I find him even remotely relatable. And debatable because what he does is perceptive. We’ll come to that, later! 

Walter White, or Walt in short, does something which in an ideal and legal world, is illegal, and punitive. Owing to his cancer and short supply of time he has, he intends to earn enormous amounts of money. And all this for his FAMILY. Yeah family comes first. Wife, children, they are the ones he wants to leave all his hard earned moolah for once they are on their own. And he reluctantly, snaps out of their life. So the catch here is “good, pure intentions”. Hold on to it. But, in order to be able to turn himself into a cashing machine, and stack in rolls of dollars enough for his family for the rest of their lives, he does the unthinkable. Yeah, he becomes a drug dealer. No actually a drug manufacturer along with his partner cum student Jesse, who deals with the dealer shit. (To all Jesse fans, I’m not sorry that I’d like to keep his mention minimalistic. He’s not my fav. And that’s just a limited expression of saying how useless a character he’s). I’d like to clarify here that drug manufacturing is the debatable part, and not relatable!

So if you’ve got the hang of the story you’d understand my fix. What if I try and juxtapose the show and the real world? And scoop out the illegality from the picture. What if one knows he’s wrong but still he does what he feels is right for the greater good? Who should be the judge here? What’s right or what’s wrong, shouldn’t that be more perceptive! Shouldn’t they be two sides of the same coin? Yeah I know moral policing and stuff. It is what your closed ones resort to once you, out of guilt and embarrassment and your love for them, confine into them. And it is justified, they should have known why were they being kept in dark in the first place, and why did you lie to them and why for once you denied the universal applicability of “Honesty is the best policy”, and why this and why that and blah blah blah! (This list is never ending, I’m tellin’ ya). All this is a matter of perception I say. Everything is right, everything is wrong. It is just that which side are you on. (Wow, I can rhyme as well!). I believe while making a decision the best thing you do in that searing jiffy is the right thing, the worst thing is you do nothing. When I was in my teenage, everything in the world, according to the antidote of moral policing injected into us since birth, fell into either of these two categories: wrong or right. Black or white. Now that I am an adult, and I can see through and read in between, I have accepted that some things fall into wrong and some things fall into right. There are things as Black, and there are things as white. But most things in the world aren't either! They are in between. Like the grey clouds that carry the silver lining! They are neither black nor white. They are Grey. (Ae, don’t you get ideas! I’m certainly not talking of the Fifty Shades of Grey!!!). Had it not been for the grey thunder, there wouldn’t be no silver lining. 

So all you stupid lovely folks out there. There are situations in all our lives. Snapping out is right. Sinking in is wrong. In the world more evil gets done in the name of righteousness than any other way, and you can’t do shit about it! (ISIS, for instance). So, Move on. Accept the Grey. And grab your silver lining! (As long its there!)



Yeah, I’m done lecturin’.

Your turn now! Or whatever!